146th Year Commemoration of His Holiness Saint Sulthaanul Aarifeen Seyedna Ahamadul Kabeerur Rifai (Kaddasallahu Sirrahul Azeez) will commence on Tuesday the 14th of November 2023 at 5.00 p.m. with the Flag Hoisting, Presided by His Eminence Rifai Moulana Al-Haj U.P. Seyyed Muhammad Ashique Thangal.

We look forward to your kind presence on that day. Recital of Rifai Mowlood will commence after Maghrib prayers and is scheduled to continue for 11 Days commencing after Magrib prayers..

THAMAAM will be held On Sunday the 3rd December 2023 at 10.30 a.m.Kaleefathur Rifai Al-Haj Moulavi A.C.A. Ahamed Faleel (Cassimiyyi) Will deliver the speech on the significance of this occasion.

144th year commemoration of Sultan ul Aarifeen Seyyed Ahmed ul Kabeer ur Rifai (Qaddasallahu Sirrahul Azeez) was held on the 15th of December 2020 at Rifai Thareeq Association HQ, No:30, Rifai Thangal Lane, Colombo-12

143rd year commemoration of Sultan ul Aarifeen Seyyed Ahmed ul Kabeer ur Rifai (Qaddasallahu Sirrahul Azeez) was held on the 27th of December 2019 at Rifai Thareeq Association HQ, No:30, Rifai Thangal Lane, Colombo-12

141st year commemoration of Sultan ul Aarifeen Seyyed Ahmed ul Kabeer ur Rifai (Qaddasallahu Sirrahul Azeez) was held on the 18th of January 2018 at Rifai Thareeq Association HQ, No:30, Rifai Thangal Lane, Colombo-12

Founder,Advisor & Global Ambassador of World Syahadah council His Eminence Sheikh Dr.Ismail Kassim called on HH Seyyad Ashique Thangal at RTA HQ on the 13th of January 2018.

Opening ceremony of the Rifayiya Ladies' Arabic College's Library, Kapuwatte, Weligama took place on the 8th of October 2017, from 10.30 AM onwards. The Library was declared open by His Holiness Refai Moulana Ash Sheikh As Seyyed Al Haj U.P. Muhammad Ashique Thangal.

129th Flag Hoisting in commemoration of Sultan ul Aarifeen Seyyed Ahmed ul Kabeer ur Rifai (Qaddasallahu Sirrahul Azeez) will be held In Sha Allah, on the 3rd of September 2016 evening at Kapuwatte Jummah Masjid premises

Manaqib Thamam will be on 18th September 2016 followed by Lunch

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