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“Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge”. (Sura 35 Verse 28)

“Seeking knowledge is a duty of every Muslim, man or woman”. (Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 218)

If a daughter is born to a person and he brings her up, gives her a good education and trains her in the arts of life, I shall myself stand between him and hell-fire." (Kanz al-Ummal, reported by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud).

Women’s Empowerment & Economic Position in Islam

Islam has given women the rights to work, to own property and to have wealth. Women can seek employment and work in profession such as medical care, teaching, civil and justice professions. These rights remain the same before and after marriage. Regarding the right to work, Allah says in the Holy Quran;

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said "I am leaving among you something which is very important and should be followed, you will not go astray if you get hold of it after I am gone, one part of it being more important than the other: Allah's Book, which is a rope stretched from Heaven to Earth, and my close relatives, who belong to my household. These two will not separate from one another till they come down to the reservoir, so consider how you act regarding them after my departure." (Tirmidhi, Sahih Muslim)

Dr. M. M. Dheen Mohamed (University of Doha, Qatar) 

 Tasawwuf or Sufism is the spiritual path of Islam, a path which links a servant to his Lord. It is not, as many would like to believe, one of the many ‘isms’ of the Islamic world, nor is it the kind of esotericism or spirituality, as many others would like to believe, which is so often divorced from external forms. It, rather, is so harmoniously fused with the exoteric teachings of Islam (the Shari‘ah) that both work in a complementary fashion; so much so, that the one without the other would lose all meaning.

“Sending Blessings to the Deceased”

According to the Shariah, Esaal-e-Sawaab (sending reward and blessings to the Muslim Deceased) is a desirable and blessed action. The permissibility of sending blessings and reward to the deceased is proven from the Hadith and from the Fuqaha (learned Jurists). The Fateha of Gyarwee Shareef (Niyaz of Ghaus-e-Azam Jilani radi Allahu anhu) is also an aspect of the Esaal-e-Sawaab. Thus, it is also permissible. Since to send blessings and reward to all the deceased is proven to be permissible from the Hadith and from the Fuqaha, it is also permissible to send this reward to individuals. There is no evidence contrary to this in the Quran, Hadith, and Ijma or from Qiyaas (The four sources of attaining Islamic ruling). Thus, to say Esaal-e- Sawaab for the deceased or Gyarwee Shareef Fateha etc. to be impermissible is baseless and without evidence from the Shariah. A few Hadith relating to Esaal-e-Sawaab and its permissibility are being presented for your perusal:

Kg;ngUk; tpohf;fhZk;  hpghapa;ah kfspH mwGf; fyhrhiy


khHf;ff; fy;tpf; $lk; XH Chpy; jpwf;fg;gLtJ mt;T+hpy; xU rpiwr;rhiy cUthFtij %btpLfpwnjd rhd;NwhH rhd;W gfHfpwhHfs;.

,e;j tifapNyNa ]hjhj;khHfs; jhPf;fhf;fspd; N\`;khHfs; ehl;bd; gy Nfhzq;fspYk; Njitf;Nfw;g mwG kj;u]hf;fis epWtp mUk; ngUk; jPd; gzpahw;wpdhHfs;. ,d;W ,yq;ifapy; goik tha;e;j rfy mwG kj;u]hf;fSk; ]_gpahf;fshd N\`;khHfshy;> jhPf;fhf;fis gpd;gw;wpa jdte;jHfshy; Muk;gpf;fg;gl;litfNs md;wp ,y;iy.

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